Technical Report

Evaluation of Clonal Selections of Bordeaux-type Wine Grape Cultivars

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  • The Oregon Foundation Seed & Plant Materials Project (FS&PMP) is charged with maintaining, increasing, and distributing early generation planting stock of grains, grasses, legumes, potatoes, grapes, and mint to Oregon growers. Early generation seed and plant materials are released to Foundation seed programs for the production of the Foundation class of certified seed and appropriate early generations of plant materials. This material is then allocated equitably to Oregon producers for multiplication of subsequent generations of seed and plant materials. In this manner, a commercial producer can be assured that the planting stock purchased for the market crop is of a quality that will provide the highest potential for maximum economic gain. Benefits from this program include: 1) Ability to rapidly increase and distribute new varieties from OSU and other sources. 2) Availability of disease tested material for research purposes. 3) Extension education and training for private distributors of potato, grape, and mint planting stocks to ensure a continuous supply of quality plant materials to Oregon growers. The FS&PMP is mandated by state statute to be self supporting and has statewide responsibilities for maintenance and increase of the same. The total collected from contributions and fees is insufficient to cover the costs associated with providing these services. The variable costs associated with the increase and distribution of plant materials can be recovered from growers on a per unit sold basis. The fixed costs associated with the maintenance of parent material has been in excess of what can be reasonably recovered and include overhead charges, facilites, and staff salaries. These costs continue regardless of whether or not plant material is sold but are necessary for the maintenance of the parent material. In 1988, the FS&PMP assumed the responsibilites of the maintenance and distribution of grapevine propagating material from the Oregon State University Mother Block located at the Lewis Brown Farm. A mist propagation system was installed to allow more rapid increase of varieties available in limited quantities. 3,677 dormant cuttings and 1,687 mist propagated plants were distributed to 33 growers in the spring Of 1989. Concurrently nine Pinot Noir and Chardonnay clones from Dijon France were released from quarantine in February. 3,509 mist propagated plants were distributed to 43 growers in August.
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