Technical Report

Towed thermistor chain observations in FRONTS-80

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  • Observations of temperature and pressure in the upper 100 m were taken with a towed thermistor chain in January 1980 north of Hawaii. The observations were taken as a part of a cooperative investigation of the North Pacific subtropical front entitled FRONTS-80. The chain was towed on four occasions over a total of 700 nautical miles between latitudes of 26 and 34 degrees N. The observations were averaged over sequential 30-s intervals and cross-sections of temperature and temperature profiles were plotted. The observations show that the surface expression of the North Pacific sub­tropical front was composed of multiple fronts having temperature contrasts ranging from a few tenths to about 2°C. The horizontal gradients of surface temperature were as large as 0.5°C in 300 m. Vertical temperature gradients associated with the fronts were both positive and negative. Changes in surface temperature across the fronts were usually, but not always, associated with salinity changes tending to minimize the change in density. On one occasion a 2°C change in temperature across a front with no change in salinity was observed.
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  • Master files scanned at 600 ppi (256 Greyscale) using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9080C in TIF format. PDF derivative scanned at 300 ppi (256 Black and White) using Capture Perfect 3.0 and OmniPage Professional 15.0 for textual OCR on a Canon DR-9080C.



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