Technical Report

Tidal Energy Extraction in an Idealized Ocean-Fjord Tidal Model with Astronomical Forcing

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  • Abstract— A highly idealized model of an ocean-fjord system, in which the tide is forced astronomically by the gravitational force of the moon, is used to study effects of localized tidal energy extraction on regional and global tides. The modeled system is energetically complete in the sense that the model does not have an open boundary and the integrated energy balance has no exchange term with the outside ocean. Both normal and tidally near-resonant fjords are considered. A series of energy extraction experiments is performed to establish the scaling between energy extraction and changes in the tidal parameters with in the estuary and the surrounding ocean. These experiments confirm previous theoretical results on the scaling. At maximum extraction, approximately half the energy extracted is redirected from natural dissipation within the fjord, while the remainder is drawn anew from the ocean. The experiments are then repeated with a pair of subdomain models of different domain extent, for which tides sampled from the complete model are used as boundary conditions. The scaling relationship between extraction and tidal parameters in the subdomain models agrees with that of the full-domain model, but the estimate of the maximum extractable energy differ by up to 27%.
  • Keywords— Tidal energetics, hydrodynamic modeling, resource assessment, environmental impact assessment
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Date Issued
  • Kawase, M. and Gedney, M. (2013) Tidal Energy Extraction in an Idealized Ocean-Fjord Tidal Model with Astronomical Forcing, Proceedings of 10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference , 8. Device and environmental modelling
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Non-Academic Affiliation
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  • DOE

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