Technical Report

Matching Support Funds for Extension Agent in Viticulture for Josephine County : 1992-1993

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  • For over 13 years there has been an area horticultural Extension agent available to assist winegrape growers in Jackson and Josephine Counties with production problems by conducting educational programs and applied research projects. While the salary for this position is paid by Oregon State University Extension, support funds which pay for travel expenses, office, office supplies, postage, secretary support, etc. are provided by the county in which the agent works, in this case Jackson and Josephine Counties. Beginning in 1991 after the passage of Proposition 5, support funds for this position and others were cut from the Josephine County budget, leaving the county without an Extension agent to assist the wine industry. In 1991, with the assistance of members of the Rogue Chapter of the Oregon Winegrowers Association, an agreement was made with Josephine County Commissioners which stated: if Josephine County winegrape growers could provide $1,500 of the estimated $3,000 needed to support Extension winegrape activities, the county would match that amount. A request was made to the Oregon Wine Advisory Board for assistance and the board has provided a grant in the amount of $1,500 to support winegrape extension activities beginning in 1991-92 and again in 1992-93. Through this project matching funds are provided for an area Extension agent to conduct educational programs, applied research, and grower support in viticulture for residents of Josephine County. The majority of the funds will be used for travel and related expenses.
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