Technical Report

1978 Oregon shrimp fishery

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  • Oregon pink shrimp (PandaZus jordani) landings in 1978 were a record 56,997,105 pounds (25,840 mt) over 8 million pounds (17%) more than was landed in 1977, the previous record year (Figure 1, Table 1). Increased effort was probably the main contributing factor to the record landings. A total of 186 vessels landed shrimp in Oregon, up from the 100 that made landings in 1977. Other factors were the continued strong market demand, favorable weather and high abundance and/or avail­ability of shrimp from the Siuslaw River south to Cape Blanco during the first four months of the season and also off Brookings during most of the season (April 1- 0ctober 15). The ex-vessel price for shrimp was 26 cents per pound from April through August. The price was raised to 28 cents at the end of August, following a short four-day tie-up, and held there through the end of the season. Shrimp fishermen were paid 23 cents per pound for the product in 1977. The increased shrimp production from the south-central and southern Oregon areas resulted in record landings at three Oregon ports (Table 1). The most notable increase was at Brookings where 6.7 million pounds (3,050 mt) were landed, over four times more than the previous high of 1.6 million pounds landed in 1972. All of this shrimp was trucked to other areas for processing as there were no shrimp peeler machines at Brookings. The number of processors and peeler machines also increased in 1978. There were 26 processors buying shrimp at 38 buying stations and they used 67 shrimp processing machines. Last year there were 50 machines in the state.
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