Technical Report

Species composition of rockfish in catches by Oregon trawlers, 1963-93

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  • This report provides rockfish landings (weight in metric tons) based upon species composition samples taken from commercial trawl landings in Oregon. Rockfish (Family Scorpaenidae) are an important segment of Oregon trawl landings. For over 30 years, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), Marine Finfish Program, previously known as Fish Commission of Oregon (FCO) has collected systematic observations (species composition samples) on trawl-caught rockfish landed in Oregon. From these data and for the years 1963-93, we have summarized weight of rockfish landed in metric tons (mt) by species category, indiviual species, year, PMFC area, and four depth strata. This report is an extended version of Information Reports by Niska (1976) for the years 1963-71 and by Barss and Niska (1978) for the years 1963-77.
  • Brief summary and discussion of data. Most of the report is data. Includes appendices giving names of species sampled, tables of landings by species category, PMFC area and species, and tables of landings by depth strata, species category, PMFC area and species.
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  • Digitized Fall, 2010 by ODFW employees at 300 dpi with optical character recognition using a Ricoh IS760D.



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