Technical Report

Environmental factors affecting spruce budworm growth

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  • The spruce budworm is an important enemy of the Douglas fir-true fir forests in Oregon. It can be successfully controlled by aerial spraying with DDT. The influence of air temperature on spruce bud­worm growth, the growth of the host, and interrela­tionships between insect and host were studied on 15 areas in northeast Oregon. The principle of heat ac­cumulation as advanced by Merriam was used. Growth of the spruce budworm was found to de­pend upon the growth of the host-grand fir. The growth of grand fir is related to accumulated degree days. Spruce budworm development on an area was best estimated from a consideration of the growth of grand fir in combination with the accumulation of de­gree days. Growth of the insect is also related to degree days. Insect development from the third to succeeding instars showed an ineffective relationship with time and an improved relationship with increase in accu­mulated degr􀀑e days. The relationship of insect development to eleva­tion was determined for the La Grande data of 1953. Temperature data, gathered either by the United States Weather Bureau or by special stations using hygrothermographs set up in the forest, can be used for prediction of spruce budworm development. For any one year, the development of the insect from a given date can be estimated for a future date, subject to all the year to year irregularities of temp­erature for the area.
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