Technical Report

Oregon Outdoor School : strengthening student success in and out of school

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  • Biennial report 2022-2024. Low- and high-resolution versions available for download.
  • Every year, a growing number of fifth and sixth graders across Oregon get to be part of a transformative, multi-day experience in the world’s greatest classroom. At outdoor school, students are fully immersed in Oregon’s natural environment, where they learn about themselves, their peers, the environment and natural resources. Oregon’s youth leave outdoor school with skills that prepare them for their future. A dedicated and passionate team at OSU Extension Service serves as the backbone organization for outdoor school implementation statewide. We work diligently to support the many individuals and organizations who partner with us to provide welcoming, accessible and equitable outdoor school experiences for all Oregonians. We have much to celebrate as we reflect on the past two years! More students have participated in outdoor school from 2022-2024 than ever before. Students tell us that outdoor school makes learning fun. Their cooperation and collaboration skills grow at outdoor school, and they learn about the interconnectedness of human and natural communities. At the same time, we know there is room for improvement. Some students’ experiences of outdoor school are better than other students’, some are being excluded and some families are opting out. Every year, we collect stories and numbers from schools and districts to understand how outdoor school is doing statewide. We also use surveys every two years to evaluate outdoor school’s influence on students. Through the experiences of thousands of students, teachers and outdoor school chaperones, we have a growing body of evidence that outdoor school is strengthening student success in and out of school.
  • This publication will be made available in an accessible alternative format upon request. Please contact us at 541-737-4391 or
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  • OSU Extension Service Outdoor School Program. (2025). Oregon Outdoor School: Strengthening Student Success In and Out of School. OSU Extension Service.
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