Technical Report

Does Diet Affect Growth in Juvenile Lingcod?

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  • CERM Poster 2009. To determine if diet affects the growth rate of juvenile ling cod, we began with three initial objectives: 1) Record the growth rates of juvenile lingcod on different diets (squid and sardine); 2) Determine if hemocyanin will cause lingcod skin and muscle pigmentation will take on a blue/green pigmentation; and 3) Observe the acclimation process as the juvenile lingcod adjust to an artificial environment. Our initial results showed no significant differences in growth rate. Further research will focus on seeing if diet can affect color of our fish from controlled tank one (sardine) and experimental tank two (squid)diets. We are hypothesizing that the hemocyanin in the squid blood will result in our fish turning blue-green. Outcomes will assessed using a comparison of post-treatment sampling photos with baseline photos taken at start of experiment.
  • This poster was the result of a student research project for the Fall 2009 FW 426/526, Coastal Ecology and Resource Management. It was presented December 9, 2009 at the Hatfield Marine Science Center.
  • KEYWORDS: Diet, Growth rates, Lingcod, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Ophiodon elongatus
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