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OSU draft literature review_IEc review_OSU_ 20_ April 2010.pdf

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  • This literature review completes the first of four research tasks that make up the research project “Identification of Outer Continental Shelf Renewable Energy Space- Use Conflicts and Analysis of Potential Mitigation Measures. The four tasks are: • Access to and understanding of relevant literature. The foundation for the development of recommendations for mitigation strategies will be lessons learned from previous relevant experience in the U.S. and internationally. • Ethnographic research and stakeholder outreach. Central to the research is a series of stakeholder meetings and interviews with a range of fishing and boating interests as well as other stakeholders in key East and West Coast ports. • Creation of geospatial databases and geographic information systems. The organization and communication of information collected throughout the project will be enhanced by the mapping and visualization techniques enabled by these tools. • Data synthesis and final report preparation. Beyond simply organizing the results of the literature review, stakeholder meetings, and interviews, the final report from this research effort will serve as the basis for decision making that furthers renewable energy development while respecting and accommodating the competing uses of ocean resources. The literature review synthesis has three objectives: 1. It identifies and characterizes potential space use conflicts that could result from renewable energy activities in the Atlantic and Pacific regions. 2. It summarizes key underlying causes of coastal and marine space conflicts. 3. It describes strategies and specific measures for avoiding or resolving these conflicts, including coastal and marine spatial planning and mechanisms for improved communication and cooperation among stakeholders. Three products are delivered: 1. A synthesis report of key findings from the literature review. 2. An annotated bibliography and full list of citations (Appendix II and Appendix III). 3. A searchable and updatable electronic data base compatible with Endnote and Zotero bibliographic software programs.
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