Technical Report

Phase 1: Benton County water analysis and demand forecast

Public Deposited

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  • The Phase 1 report is an overview of the complex water quantity and quality information and issues specific to Benton County. It is a first step toward assessing and planning for future water quantity and quality within Benton County and provides a template for regional water planning. The report details a collaborative process of data collection and assessment of the supply and demand (use) on surface water and groundwater resources. Forecasting is based on existing Federal, State and local databases. Baseline assessments of technical data related to water supply and demand were provided to an interdisciplinary steering committee and work teams tasked with providing direction and input. All committee and advisory team participation was voluntary. Engaging community stakeholders and residents was an important component of the project. Five community meetings and distribution of a questionnaire elicited concerns and values of county residents regarding water quantity and quality (Section 6). In addition, each steering committee and team meeting included an opportunity for public input where a number of water issues were identified. The Board of Benton County Commissioners is the convener of this project. The authority of the County Commissioners does not include regulation of water and is not binding upon the political jurisdictions within Benton County. Therefore, consensus is a goal.
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