Technical Report

Groundfish Assessment : Pacific Ocean Perch (Sebastes alutus) and Tagging Studies : Annual Report : October 1, 1978 to September 30, 1979

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  • During April 1979 the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife participated in a survey of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) in cooperation with the National Marine Fisheries Service and Washington Department of Fisheries. The survey occurred off the coasts of Oregon and Washington from Newport, Oregon to Cape Flattery. Planning of the overall survey was coordinated by the Northwest and Alaska fisheries Center of the MNFS. The overall goal was to reassess Pacific ocean perch abundance and to study survey methodology in an attempt to identify factors which may aid in increasing precision and reducing bias of biomass estimates of Pacific ocean perch. Specific objectives were: 1) to estimate the absolute abundance of Pacific ocean perch in INPFC Columbia area and U.S. sector of INPFC Vancouver area; 2) to determine the percent change in precision of biomass estimates from the 1977 rockfish survey estimates caused by stratification of sampling units and allocation of tows based on commercial CPUE records, bathymetric, geographic and seasonal availability of Pacific ocean perch; and 3) to determine whether or not the addition of optional tows based on the experience and knowledge of the fishing grounds by the vessel captain had any significant effect on the biomass estimate. There were several concurrent sub-objectives of the survey accomplished as well. These were: 1) to determine the age and size composition of Pacific ocean perch in the INPFC Columbia area; 2) to determine the species composition of slope rockfish in the INPFC Columbia area; and 3) to estimate biomass of some of the other species of the family Scorpeanidae which contributed to a significant portion of the catch.
Resource Type
Fecha de Emisión
Non-Academic Affiliation
Declaración de derechos
Peer Reviewed
File Extent
  • 19 pages
Additional Information
  • National Marine Fisheries Service; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; U.S. Department of Commerce; Commercial Fisheries Research and Development Act; Project No. 1-132-R-2, Contract No. 9-ABD-ORAB



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