Technical Report

Winegrape Variety Trial in Southern Oregon - 1995

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  • The 18 winegrape varieties in this trial were in sixth leaf in 1995. Vines were pruned in February to either a Scott Henry (3-4 permanent arms on a vertical trellis using two fruiting wires 12 inches apart at 30 and 42 inch height) plus 2 extra disposal canes on some of the varieties with excessive growth. Prunings of one typical vine from each of the 5 replicate plots were used to adjust the size of the vines ofeach variety using a formula of approximately 25 nodes for every pound of cane weight removed. Varieties with 20-25 nodes were trained to 3 arms, 30-40 were trained to 4 arms, and 45-65 nodes were trained to 4 to 6 arms using 4 permanent arms and disposing of the excess arms in early August (Table 2). Gamay Noir, Dolcetto, Fresia, and Nebbiolo Lampia were pruned to 3 arms since their cane weights were only 1.7 to 2.0 lbs. Most varieties were pruned to spurs but cane pruning was used when developing a new arm. Those varieties pruned to only cane were those that lacked fertile basal nodes, had small clusters, or were too vigorous: Viognier, Tempranillo, Fresia, Petite Verdot, and Syrah. Nebbiolo was pruned to spurs on the upper arms and canes on the lower arms.
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