Technical Report

The development of methods for studying physical and biological processes in the nearshore zone on the Pacific Coast of the United States

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  • The following progress report presents a summary of the work conducted through January of 1973 as specified in our proposal, "The Develooment of Methods for Studying Physical and Biological Processes in the Nearshore Zone on the Pacific Coast of the United States," suooorted by the Eugene Water and Electric Board, Portland General Electric Company and the Pacific Power and Light Company. Although we started this program in the early summer of 1972 without adequate lead time to order equipment and hire personnel we have been able to make a meaningful start at achieving the goal of develooing study methods for the nearshore zone. However, the orogress is spotty. In the areas of sampling fish and benthic organisms a limitation on boats available, equipment on hand, and number of personnel hir.ed resulted in little effort being expended in this area. The studies of surface currents and of phytoplankton and zooplankton distribution have been initiated and significant progress has been made. In these cases the studies have been adequate to enable us to do a more effective job of planning for future needs in these study areas. We anticipate having significant programs in all areas during the 1973 working season. The logistic problem was difficult during the first year 1 s operation. We plan to reduce this problem greatly during 1973 by shifting our opera­tions to Newport and basing most of our personnel there for the summer. This will increase our efficiency by allowing us to utilize both the existing weather and the time of our personnel more effectively. We feel that in general the only way to develop adequate methods is to take a particular method, use it to gather data under field conditions, and evaluate the adequacy of the method by a careful examination of the data collected. This approach is reflected in the following discussion of the individual subprojects.
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