Technical Report

The oblique-banded leaf roller on red raspberries

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  • The oblique-banded leaf roller [Archips rosaceana (Harris)] has become a major pest of red raspberries in the Willamette Valley. It has a large host range of cultivated and wild plants. The main concern on raspberries is its habit of getting into the cups of the fruit. It is only of minor importance in other varieties of cane berries Briefly, the life history is as follows : Hibernation takes place as third instar larvae in small silken cocoons underneath the bark and bud scales. The larvae emerge throughout March and April. These larvae feed on the leaves, tips, and blossoms until late spring. During the latter part of May, throughout June, and early July, the moths emerge The eggs of these moths, laid on the upper sides of the leaves, hatch during June and July. These larvae mature during August and September to form another generation of moths. The larvae from this latter generation of moths develop to the third stage and then hibernate. Parasites play an important role in holding this pest in check. To date, 29 parasites have been reared from this pest. Twenty-one of these parasites may be considered as beneficial and the other eight as harmful because they are also parasites of beneficial parasites. Control consists of cutting out and burning old canes between November 1 and March 1 and supplementing this cultural practice by treating infested fields with DDT dusts or sprays.
  • Published April 1948. Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog:
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