Undergraduate Thesis Or Project


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  • During the first surgery I witnessed, I was struck by an immense sense of wonder at the human body. This research effort determines if this awe is shared by physicians currently practicing medicine, if this wonder will fade as part of an everyday landscape, and delves into the different forms the physician-patient relationship can take. Through a textual study of Sherwin Nuland’s The Wisdom of the Body and interviews of four practicing physicians, these topics were explored. It was found that the sense of awe is a shared experience between physicians, shifting from fascination of anatomy and physiology to pathology and treatment. It was concluded that physicians should try to counteract a cultural paternalistic model of medicine and strive for the morally desirable partnership or friendship models. Each of the interviews identified intimacy as setting medicine apart from other professions and the importance of empathy in developing the physician-patient relationship. It is not enough for physicians to understand what their patients are feeling; they must be willing to take on the pain and joy as their own. This research offers both patients and physicians a better understanding of the intimate relationship they forge.
  • Keywords: medicine, empathy, physician- patient relationship
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