Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

The role of champions in the adoption and implementation of Project RESPECT, an evidence-based behavioral HIV/STI intervention

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  • Evidence-based interventions are considered to be the most successful interventions used in public health. They have the research to support their potential success when implemented by an organization. Evidence-based interventions are created and tested, then are implemented by a variety of organizations in various geographic locations, including non-profit organizations, public health departments, and more. These organizations have a variety of funding sources, differing amounts of employees and different staff training procedures. Also, each organization has a different client base, which can affect the success of interventions. The study overall is evaluating the impact of these differences and the reality of how Project RESPECT is implemented in actual organizations. Champions are members of an organization that motivate staff members and are integral to the sustainability of a program or organization. Champions also can be essential to the successful adoption of an intervention into an organization. This specific part of the study is exploring the impact of the presence of a champion in the organizations implementing Project RESPECT.
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  • This project is funded by an NIMH (R01-MH085502) award to Dolcini, M. M. (PI).



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