Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

Lauren OsbornFinal Thesis6 8 2007.pdf

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  • Collaboration is crucial when advancing in scientific research. One person cannot study all aspects of a system. That is why it is important for the scientific community to communicate with each other and stay updated on research being conducted in other labs around the world. In my research, I was able to incorporate research collaboration on an international level. A term of study abroad at the University of Lleida in Spain, gave me an opportunity to work on research in another country. In both research projects, Oregon Wolfe Barley was used as a model for study and was the common ground on which the two research experiences connected. My thesis consists of two chapters; one which describes my research at Oregon State University working with the Barley Project in the Crop and Soil Science Department, and my second chapter is a comparison between the University of Lleida and Oregon State University.
  • Keywords: barley, Winter hardiness, low temperature tolerance
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