Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

Preliminary Examination of the socioeconomic and housing factors that influence exposure to flame-retardants (FRs) in passive samplers worn by preschool-aged children in Oregon

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  • Abstract Flame-retardants (FRs) generally enter the environment by dissociating from the products they were originally manufactured into. The predominant class of FR used in consumer products before their eventual phase-out in the mid-2000s were the polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Previous studies have illustrated a correlation between socio-economic status, notably gross income, and exposures to PBDEs. This study examined five congeners of PBDEs as well as four congeners of the replacement FRs. To accomplish this, silicone passive sampling bracelets, developed at Oregon State by Dr. Kim Anderson, were worn by 83 pre-school aged children for up to one week. Once the bracelets were analyzed, we used the data to examine correlations between the loading rate of the nine congeners and nine socio-economic factors that we selected based on past studies. This study found a significant correlation between the amount of times a person vacuumed their homes and an increased loading rate of FRs, as well as a correlation with gross household income.
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