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  • Cyanophage are viruses that infect cyanobacteria, photosynthetic microorganisms which are known to produce several anticancer and antibacterial chemical compounds. Cyanophage are significant members of microbial communities in marine and freshwater environments. There has been significant difficulty inventorying marine and freshwater cyanophage, however, due to the difficulty in cultivating their hosts. Using a culture-independent single gene amplification approach, the diversity of phage infecting these microbes was analyzed within samples of benthic cyanobacterial mats collected from the Red Sea and Panama. PCR-based primers were used to amplify several conserved phage marker genes. Resulting PCR products were then sequenced using the Illumina platform and the resulting marker gene libraries were assembled. Sequences within these libraries were clustered by 97% similarity and differences in sequence. OTU grouping were used to preliminarily infer differences in cyanophage consortia between the two unique geographic regions.
  • Keywords: cyanophage, bioinformatics, phage, cyanobacteria
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