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  • Previous research has shown that physically attractive people are perceived by others as being more credible. One reason for this perceived credibility may be that these individuals are using specific linguistic categories during deceptive and truthful communication that are judged to be more credible. These categories include: more self-references, less references to others, more cognitive mechanisms, and fewer speech disturbances. In a face-to-face five minute interaction, we had individuals judge one another on their physical attractiveness and these scores were averaged for each participant. We employed the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) software program to categorize the words in both true and false statements so as to assess linguistic patterns. As predicted, the more physically attractive an individual was perceived to be, the more cognitive mechanisms they used and the less disturbed their speech was. However, contrary to our hypothesized frequencies, individuals referenced others more and themselves less.
  • Keywords: physical attractiveness, LIWC, linguistic styles, credibility
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