Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

Design of a Gas Engine Muffler

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  • Simple as may seem. the subject, "A gas engine muffler," to the reader on first thought, if he will but take time to consider the importance of such a device in connection with the operation of internal combustion engines, he will probably come to the conclusion that it is not such a trifle after all. Everyone, who has had any dealings with this type of machinery, knows what a frightful noise the exhaust gases make when they are liberated from the engine cylinder, and also knows how extremely irritating this noise becomes if nothing is done to muffle it. Many different devices have been used with more or less success, but most of them unless very large and bulky are liable to cause back pressure and thus waste some of the energy the engine is capable of developing. The muffler about to be described is very simple in its construction, and is the result of a little careful thought. The idea was first suggested by seeing an automobile on the street one day that moved along with very little noise. Upon examination it was found that the gases issued from short pines that protruded from a long cylindrical vessel. The ends of the pipes were mashed down a little to give a thin, flat stream.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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