Data Availability The raw data for Tables 1-3 and Figures 5-6 are online with the supplemental information. Supplemental Information Supplemental information for this article are online at ………………………… peerj.2770#supplemental-information. Readme file: Supplemental Tables-S1 and Table S2 (Table-S1_Durkina_et_al_PeerJ-4841 and Table-S2_Durkina_et_al_PeerJ-4841) are self-explanatory Blanks in the data set are indicated by “-“ The variables for “Data_Tables-1-3_Durkina_et_al_PeerJ-4841” are: Date mm/dd/yyyy Body length (mm) Brood development- See ms brood development stages F0, FII and FIV Embryo or oocyte development Oocyte or ovary condition Embryo diameter (mm) Oocyte diameter (mm) F0 females Oocyte diameter (mm) FII females Oocyte diameter (mm) FIV females The variables for “Data_Figure-5_Durkina_et_al_PeerJ-4841” are: Source (Publication author or date of record for this report) Species (Genus and species given in publication or used herein) Average_Body_Length_(mm) Average_Brood_Count Embryo_Diameter_(mm) 2015_ED (egg diameter) A._e._oocytes (Ampelisca eschrichtii oocytes) F0_VO ------brood development of female containing vitelogenic oocytes FII_VO ------brood development of female containing vitelogenic oocytes FIV_VO ------brood development of female containing vitelogenic oocytes 2002+2011 (diameters (mm) of embryos collected from A. eschrichtii in 2002 or 2011) Wt_Est._ED (embryo weight estimated from egg diameter) Coll._Date (date that samples were collected Fem._Dev. (brood development Fo, FII or FIV) Development (of eggs or ova) Condition (overall condition of ova) The variables for “Data_Figure-6_Durkina_et_al_PeerJ-4841” are: Species; Site; Sample#; Collection_Region; Body_Length_mm; Sex; Female_Brood_stage (brood development Fo, FII or FIV); Jul+Sep2015#Embryos; Embryo_Cell_development; Collection_Date; Expected_Brood_Size; Longitude; Latitude; Depth, m; Sediment (composition notes); Note (sources of data previous to this report) 1