Layer detection algorithm Support code for "An automatic and quantitative approach to the detection and tracking of acoustic scattering layers" (c) David Cade, April 18, 2014 please cite as: Cade, David E., Benoit-Bird, Kelly J. (2014): An automatic and quantitative approach to the detection and tracking of acoustic scattering layers (supplemental code). Oregon State University Libraries. Software. [doi: 10.7267/N96Q1V56] Main file: DetectLayers.m must be run cell-by-cell Prepocessing instructions to run the code as is: Sv data for the region of interest should be resampled into 1 m depth bins. Horizontal averaging is at user's discretion. Background noise and other acoustic anomalies should be removed, including data below the sea floor. The algorithm will automatically fill in any missing data with averages of the surrounding data. Export Sv data (as csv), an image file of the region of interest, and a seafloor bottom line in .evl format. All files included in this folder (c) David Cade except those in the "Previously Published" subfolder including: my_xticklabels.m (c) Pekka Kumpulainen 2008 peakfinder.m (c) Nathanael Yoder 2009 peakfit.m (c) Tom O'Haver 2009 slight changes from the original noted in file comments as "-DC" runmean.m (c) Jos van der Geest 2006 SplitVec.m (c) Bruno Luong 2011