Program Used: PWSCF v.5.0.1 from the QuantumEspresso Suite Last update Feb 01, 2014 Files and Folders: SCF-Energies.csv # A excel csv file of all the SCF energies from IGZO_Input_and_Log_Files Pseudopotentials # Contains the psuedopotentials used | -> Ga.pbe-dn-rrkjus.UPF -> In.pbe-dn-rrkjus.UPF -> O.pbe-n-rrkjus.UPF -> Zn.pbe-dn-rrkjus.UPF IGZO_Input_and_Log_Files # Folder containing all the IGZO single point jobs | -> IGZO-001-1-1_-17.7143.QuantumEspresso # The first InGaZnO in the stoiciometry In0Ga0Zn1O1 with a -17.7143 charge -> ... -> IGZO-999-36-5_8.85714.QuantumEspresso # The fifth InGaZnO in the stoiciometry In9Ga9Zn9O36 with a 8.85714 charge | -> IGZO-999-36-5_8.85714.log # log file for the single point calculation -> IGZO-999-36-5_8.85714.qe # input file that generated the output log Files