* Data Analysis Script * Tilt & Gerkey - Global Environmental Change * Manuscript Title: "Dams and Population Displacement on ChinaÕs Upper Mekong River: Implications for Social Capital and Social-Ecological Resilience" * Notes: This script uses the cleaned data file ("GEC-A3.dta") generated by the script "Tilt&Gerkey-GEC-A.do" and includes all analysis in the manuscript and supplement. *Set Working Directory: cd "your/workingdirectory/pathname" // User should insert path for working directory *STATA Version version 12 set more off capture log close log using GEC-A, replace * Instal Outreg package for exporting tables ssc install outreg2 * Load Data use "your/workingdirectory/pathname/GEC-A3.dta", clear * Descriptive Statistics *IVs *Overall - N=468 (income), N=471-2(land) --> not 673 b/c we excluded those who did not participate in labor exchange (see IDAM1.do) tabstat Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income, stats(mean median sd n min max) *By dam project sort damsite by damsite: tabstat Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income, stats(mean median sd n min max) *DVs *Overall tabstat lcashnumh bcashnumh glabor rlabor lentall borrowall glabordayb rlabordayb, stats(mean median sd n min max) *By dam Project sort damsite by damsite: tabstat lcashnumh bcashnumh glabor rlabor lentall borrowall glabordayb rlabordayb, stats(mean median sd n min max) ** Regression Analysis ** CASH ** ** Number of HHs ** * Cash Lending * Model 1. Damsites regress lcashnumh ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite outreg using GEC-Table2.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) replace // * Cash Borrowing * Model 2. Damsites regress bcashnumh ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite outreg using GEC-Table2.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // ** Amount of Cash ** * Cash Lending *Model 3. Damsites regress lentall ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite outreg using GEC-Table2.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // * Cash Borrowing *Model 4. Damsites regress borrowall ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite outreg using GEC-Table2.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // ** LABOR ** ** Number of HHs ** * Labor Given * Model 1. Damsites regress glabor ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite outreg using GEC-Table3.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) replace // * Labor Received * Model 2. Damsites regress rlabor ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite outreg using GEC-Table3.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // ** Amount of Days ** * Labor Given - Busy Season *Model 3. Damsites regress glabordayb ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite outreg using GEC-Table3.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // * Labor Received - Busy Season *Model 4. Damsites regress rlabordayb ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite outreg using GEC-Table3.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // ** Interaction Models * Cash *Num HHs *Cash Lending * Model 3. Damsites * Re-Settlement Interaction regress lcashnumh ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite ib0.Settle_2cat#ib1.damsite // outreg using GEC-TableA1.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) replace // * Post-hoc tests of contrasts margins damsite#Settle_2cat // tests whether coefficients are sig. different from 0 contrast Settle_2cat@damsite, effects // tests whether marginal means for Re-settled differ from Settled *Cash Borrowing * Model 6. Damsites * Re-Settlement Interaction regress bcashnumh ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite ib0.Settle_2cat#ib1.damsite // outreg using GEC-TableA1.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // * Post-hoc tests of contrasts margins damsite#Settle_2cat // tests whether coefficients are sig. different from 0 contrast Settle_2cat@damsite, effects // tests whether marginal means for Re-settled differ from Settled * Amount * Cash Lending *Model 3. Damsites * Re-Settlement Interaction regress lentall ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite ib0.Settle_2cat#ib1.damsite // outreg using GEC-TableA1.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // * Post-hoc tests of contrasts margins damsite#Settle_2cat // tests whether coefficients are sig. different from 0 contrast Settle_2cat@damsite, effects // tests whether marginal means for Re-settled differ from Settled * Cash Borrowing *Model 6. Damsites * Re-Settlement Interaction regress borrowall ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite ib0.Settle_2cat#ib1.damsite // outreg using GEC-TableA1.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // * Post-hoc tests of contrasts margins damsite#Settle_2cat // tests whether coefficients are sig. different from 0 contrast Settle_2cat@damsite, effects // tests whether marginal means for Re-settled differ from Settled * Labor *Num HHs *Labor Given * Model 3. Damsites * Settlement Interaction regress glabor ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite ib0.Settle_2cat#ib1.damsite // outreg using GEC-TableA3.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) replace // * Post-hoc tests of contrasts margins damsite#Settle_2cat // tests whether coefficients are sig. different from 0 contrast Settle_2cat@damsite, effects // tests whether marginal means for Re-settled differ from Settled *Labor Received * Model 6. Damsites * Settlement Interaction regress rlabor ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite ib0.Settle_2cat#ib1.damsite // outreg using GEC-TableA3.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // * Post-hoc tests of contrasts margins damsite#Settle_2cat // tests whether coefficients are sig. different from 0 contrast Settle_2cat@damsite, effects // tests whether marginal means for Re-settled differ from Settled *Amount *Labor Given *Model 3. Damsites * Re-Settlement Interaction regress glabordayb ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite ib0.Settle_2cat#ib1.damsite // outreg using GEC-TableA3.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // * Post-hoc tests of contrasts margins damsite#Settle_2cat // tests whether coefficients are sig. different from 0 contrast Settle_2cat@damsite, effects // tests whether marginal means for Re-settled differ from Settled *Labor Received *Model 3. Damsites * Re-Settlement Interaction regress rlabordayb ib0.Settle_2cat han paddy_allocated dry_allocated forest_allocated income ib1.damsite ib0.Settle_2cat#ib1.damsite // outreg using GEC-TableA3.doc, se starloc(1) starlevels(10, 5, 1, .1) merge // * Post-hoc tests of contrasts margins damsite#Settle_2cat // tests whether coefficients are sig. different from 0 contrast Settle_2cat@damsite, effects // tests whether marginal means for Re-settled differ from Settled * Saving Data file save "GEC-1.dta", replace // File for storing data used in this analysis