This readme.txt file was generated on 20180625 by Kathryn F. Nuss ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Dataset for Finding Submerged Sites: An Exploration of Shoreline and Environmental Change in Oregon’s Yaquina River Basin using GIS Predictive Modeling 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Kathryn F. Nuss Institution:Oregon State University Address:238 Waldo Hall 3. Date of data collection: 2017-2018 4. Geographic location of data collection: This data corresponds with the Yaquina River basin on Oregon's coast. 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: All data was built from publicly available data sources. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Thesis: Nuss, K. F. (2018) Finding Submerged Sites : An Exploration of Shoreline and Environmental Change in Oregon’s Yaquina River Basin using GIS Predictive Modeling (master’s thesis) 3. Data was derived from these sources: Clark, J., J. X. Mitrovica, and J. Alder 2014 Coastal paleogeography of the California–Oregon–Washington and Bering Sea continental shelves during the latest Pleistocene and Holocene: implications for the archaeological record. Journal of Archaeological Science, 52, 12-23. ICF International, Davis Geoarchaeological Research, and Southeastern Archaeological Research 2013 Inventory and Analysis of Coastal and Submerged Archaeological Site Occurrence on the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Pacific OCS Region, Camarillo, CA. OCS Study BOEM 2013-0115. National Geophysical Data Center 2007 NOAA Tsunami Inundation Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). Retrieved March 18, 2017, from Nyers, A., and L. G. Davis 2017 The Search for the First Americans on Oregon’s Submerged Landforms: New Methods and Upcoming Research. Poster presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Walsh, Kuuipo OSU Department of Geosciences 2013 Oregon Statewide DEM Data. Retrieved March 19, 2017, from 6. Recommended citation for the data: Nuss, K. F. (2018). Dataset for Finding Submerged Sites: An Exploration of Shoreline and Environmental Change in Oregon’s Yaquina River Basin using GIS Predictive Modeling [Data set]. Oregon State University. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Short description: This geodatabase includes the predictive model output for each shoreline interval from 20,000 years ago to 1,000 years ago. All files included are raster files. All rasters are gridded to 10x10 meter squares. And are referenced to the North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) horizontal datum and Mean High Water (MHW) vertical datum. B. Filename: Short description: This geodatabase includes the shoreline extent for the study area at all time intervals from 20,000 years ago to the modern shoreline. Additionally, included are the outline of the submerged portion only. Also included are the shoreline contours for the whole coastline and for the study area. All files included are shape files. All files included in this geodatabase are referenced to NAD83 horizontal datum and MHW vertical datum. C. Filename: Short description: This geodatabase includes all the stream files for each interval. These files are all shape files. All files included in this geodatabase are referenced to NAD83 horizontal datum and MHW vertical datum. D. Filename: predictivemodeldatabyyear.csv Short description: This file includes the numerical output of the predictive model in low, med, and high categories as percent of area. Additional data included are stream number and length, area, and the relative sea level in the study area. E. Filename: graphingscripts.R Short description: This file includes the scripts for creating graphical representations of the data included in (D). 2. Relationship between files: Files A, B, and C are all geodatabases that include the key components to the predictive model in the Yaquina River basin study area that were used to interpret the shoreline and environmental change. The csv file (D) contains numerical output from specific aspects of the geodatabases and the script file (E) creates the graphs from data in the csv file. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: All methods used for the collection and generation of these data can be reviewed in Nuss, K. F. (2018) Finding Submerged Sites : An Exploration of Shoreline and Environmental Change in Oregon’s Yaquina River Basin using GIS Predictive Modeling (master’s thesis) the Master's Thesis for which these data were generated. 2. Methods for processing the data: All methods for processing these data can be reviewed in Nuss, K. F. (2018) Finding Submerged Sites : An Exploration of Shoreline and Environmental Change in Oregon’s Yaquina River Basin using GIS Predictive Modeling (master’s thesis) the Master's Thesis for which these data were processed. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: GIS or other program capable of using geospatial data, R 4. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Kathryn F. Nuss, Alex Nyers, Loren Davis ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 1 2. Number of cases/rows: variable, each dataset in this geodatabase has different extents based on each thousand year shoreline from 20,000 years ago to 1,000 years ago for each raster file the pixel size is 10 meters by 10 meters 3. Missing data codes: NoData Pixels that are missing data are coded as NoData 4. Variable List A. Name: NA Description: The numerical values represent the predictive score associated with each pixel. High values are higher scores, lower values are lower scores. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ----------------------------------------- 1. Included in this geodatabase are shoreline extents for each thousand year interval from 20,000 years ago to modern, shoreline contours for each interval, shape files of the submerged landscape, and shape files for the whole study area. At 10,000 years ago the Yaquina River basin segments and becomes smaller and a shape file with this change is also included. All files are in NAD83 and MHW. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ----------------------------------------- 1. In this geodatabase, stream shape files are included for each thousand year interval. Streams are included for the whole study area at all time intervals even though the basin segments. All shape files are in NAD83 and MHW. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: predictivemodeldatabyyear.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables:9 2. Number of cases/rows: 9x20 3. Missing data codes:NA 4. Variable List A. Name: Year Description: 20,000 years ago to Modern B. Name: low Description: ratio of predictive score values to total number of pixels (low scores are between 30 and 106) C. Name: med Description: ratio of predictive score values to total number of pixels (med scores are between 107 and 141) D. Name: high Description: ratio of predictive score values to total number of pixels (high scores are between 142 and 224) E. Name: total_area_kmsq Description: the total area of the study area in square kilometers F. Name: area_submerged_kmsq Description: the total are of the submerged landscape only in square kilometers G. Name: stream_length_km Description: the total length of streams in kilometers H. Name: streams Description: the total number of streams I. Name: rsl_m_below_modern Description: the relative sea level in the study area measured in meters below the modern sea level ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: graphing scripts.R ----------------------------------------- 1. This script file contains the code for creating graphs from the csv file containing the data from the predictive model and other landscape features. There are 54 rows of code.