1. Context of this dataset: This dataset was collected as a part of the Willamette Water 2100 project, which evaluates how climate change, population growth, and economic growth will change the availability and the use of water in the Willamette River Basin (WRB) on a decadal to centennial timescale. The five-year project began in October 2010, and is a collaborative effort of faculty from Oregon State University (OSU), the University of Oregon (UO), and Portland State University (PSU). The team is developing a computer model using the Envision platform, a computing framework developed at OSU. The model will make it possible to explore how climate change, population growth, and economic growth will alter the availability and the use of water in the WRB. Envision provides a computing environment in which state-of-the-art hydrological, ecological, and economic models interact synergistically. These data were collected using a survey of a sample of farmers in the Willamette Valley. The objective was to estimate a relationship between the decision to irrigate a field (one with an existing irrigation water right), and factors such as land characteristics, climate, current weather, and market prices. The results of the analysis provided a basis for a probabilistic relationship for irrigating each field in the study with irrigation water rights in a given year. These functions were introduced as relationships for each agricultural parcel (polygon) with irrigation water rights in the irrigation decision model of Willamette Envision, the computer model developed by the Willamette Water 2100 Project. 2. List of variables in the dataset: The list is structured as follows: [Variable name] =[Variable Label] ; [Storage Type] ; [Display Format] Display Format values are defined as: %[variable length][variable type]. Field type values are s(=string) and g(=general). For variables of the type general, the number to the right of the period in [variable length] denotes the number of digits to the right of the decimal. For example, %8.0g is a general number variable with a length of 8 characters, and 0 digits to the right of the decimal, and %12s is a string variable with a length of 12 characters. parcel = survey variable, parcel unique ID ; str8 ; %9s year = survey variable, data year ; int ; %9.0g crop = survey variable, crop id ; float ; %9.0g irrig = survey irrigation variable: 1=whole field, 2=partial, 3=none ; byte ; %8.0g period = survey variable, period of irrigation: 1=shorter than normal, 2=normal, 3=longer ; byte ; %8.0g seq = survey variable, farmer sequence id ; int ; %8.0g totfields = survey variable, total fields owned by farmer ; int ; %8.0g fieldsirri = survey variable, # from total fields with irrigation rights ; int ; %8.0g irr1yr = survey variable, # of all owned irrigated fields irrigated 1 year or less since 2007 ; byte ; %8.0g irr2_5yrs = survey variable, # of all owned irrigated fields irrigated 2-5 years since 2007 ; byte ; %8.0g irr6_yrs = survey variable, # of all owned irrigated fields irrigated every year since 2007 ; int ; %8.0g rents = survey variable, farmer identified land rents for field ; int ; %8.0g numid = unique, numeric, field identification variable ; int ; %8.0g missing = binary indicator for field whose boundaries were not marked by enumerators ; byte ; %8.0g acres = field acres (not accurate for parcels with missing boundaries) ; float ; %9.0g prec3_ = Precipitation: March precipitation in inches, by year ; float ; %9.0g prec4_ = Precipitation: April precipitation in inches, by year ; float ; %9.0g prec5_ = Precipitation: May precipitation in inches, by year ; float ; %9.0g prec6_ = Precipitation: June precipitation in inches, by year ; float ; %9.0g prec7_ = Precipitation: July precipitation in inches, by year ; float ; %9.0g prec8_ = Precipitation: August precipitation in inches, by year ; float ; %9.0g prec9_ = Precipitation: September precipitation in inches, by year ; float ; %9.0g tmax3_ = Temperature: March max average temp in C, by year ; float ; %9.0g tmax4_ = Temperature: April max average temp in C, by year ; float ; %9.0g tmax5_ = Temperature: May max average temp in C, by year ; float ; %9.0g tmax6_ = Temperature: June max average temp in C, by year ; float ; %9.0g tmax7_ = Temperature: July max average temp in C, by year ; float ; %9.0g tmax8_ = Temperature: August max average temp in C, by year ; float ; %9.0g tmax9_ = Temperature: September max average temp in C, by year ; float ; %9.0g prct1 = Soils: Percent field in Land Capability Class 1 ; float ; %9.0g prct2 = Soils: Percent field in Land Capability Class 2 ; float ; %9.0g prct3 = Soils: Percent field in Land Capability Class 3 ; float ; %9.0g prct4 = Soils: Percent field in Land Capability Class 4 ; float ; %9.0g prct5 = Soils: Percent field in Land Capability Class 5 ; float ; %9.0g prct6 = Soils: Percent field in Land Capability Class 6 ; float ; %9.0g prct7 = Soils: Percent field in Land Capability Class 7 ; float ; %9.0g prct8 = Soils: Percent field in Land Capability Class 8 ; float ; %9.0g geomdesc = Majority Landform, ie terrace, floodplain, hill ; str15 ; %15s prctmwdrn = Drainage: % field moderately well drained ; float ; %9.0g prctwdrn = Drainage: % field well drained ; float ; %9.0g prctspdrn = Drainage: % field somewhat poorly drained ; float ; %9.0g prctpdrn = Drainage: % field poorly drained ; float ; %9.0g prctexdrn = Drainage: % field excessively drained ; float ; %9.0g elev = Elevation (meters) ; float ; %9.0g slope = Slope (percent) ; float ; %9.0g county_nam = County Name ; str10 ; %10s big5cit = Name of the Closest Big5_City ; str9 ; %9s big5pop = Population of the closest Big5_City ; long ; %12.0g big5distkm = Distance to the closest Big5_City in km ; float ; %9.0g kcity = Name of the closest city with 20,000 or more ; str12 ; %12s kpop = Population of nearest city with 20,000 or more ; long ; %12.0g kdistkm = Distance in km of nearest city with 20,000 or more ; float ; %9.0g irrig_All = Survey Variable: Binary indicator that field was entirely irrigated ; float ; %9.0g irrig_None = Survey Variable: Binary indicator that field was not irrigated at all ; float ; %9.0g irrig_Some = Survey Variable: Binary indicator that field was partially irrigated ; float ; %9.0g Benton = County Dummy Variable ; float ; %9.0g Polk = County Dummy Variable ; float ; %9.0g Washington = County Dummy Variable ; float ; %9.0g Marion = County Dummy Variable ; float ; %9.0g Yamhill = County Dummy Variable ; float ; %9.0g Clackamas = County Dummy Variable ; float ; %9.0g Lane = County Dummy Variable ; float ; %9.0g Linn = County Dummy Variable ; float ; %9.0g Multnomah = County Dummy Variable ; float ; %9.0g springPrec = Precipitation: April and May Precip (in) for each year 07-12 ; float ; %9.0g sumPrec = Precipitation: June, July August Precip (inches) for each year 07-12 ; float ; %9.0g sumMax = Temperature: Average Max Temp for June, July August ; float ; %9.0g sum_count = Water Rights: The # of water rights within 0.5 km of a field ; byte ; %8.0g sum_acres = Water Rights: Acres of Water Rights within 0.5 km of a field ; float ; %9.0g efu = Dummy variable for location inside EFU zone ; byte ; %8.0g soilsWea = Soils: Weighted average of LCC soil class ; float ; %9.0g CropName = Crop Name ; str40 ; %40s CropCategory = Aggregated Crop Category ; str40 ; %40s y2007 = 2007 Year Dummy ; float ; %9.0g y2008 = 2008 Year Dummy ; float ; %9.0g y2009 = 2009 Year Dummy ; float ; %9.0g y2010 = 2010 Year Dummy ; float ; %9.0g y2011 = 2011 Year Dummy ; float ; %9.0g y2012 = 2012 Year Dummy ; float ; %9.0g CntPriceDiff = Average difference in Irrig and non Irrig land rents for county ; float ; %9.0g aprprc30 = Precipitation: 30 year average precip for April (in) ; float ; %9.0g mayprc30 = Precipitation: 30 year average precip for May (in) ; float ; %9.0g junprc30 = Precipitation: 30 year average precip for June (in) ; float ; %9.0g julprc30 = Precipitation: 30 year average precip for July (in) ; float ; %9.0g augprc30 = Precipitation: 30 year average precip for August (in) ; float ; %9.0g sepprc30 = Precipitation: 30 year average precip for September (in) ; float ; %9.0g deltApril = PrecipDeviation: April - 30YearApril (in) ; float ; %9.0g deltMay = PrecipDeviation: May - 30YearMay (in) ; float ; %9.0g deltJune = PrecipDeviation: June- 30YearJune (in) ; float ; %9.0g deltJul = PrecipDeviation: July - 30YearJulyl (in) ; float ; %9.0g deltAug = PrecipDeviation: Aug- 30YearAug (in) ; float ; %9.0g deltSept = PrecipDeviation: September - 30YearSept (in) ; float ; %9.0g tmaxapr30 = Temperature: 30 year max temp average for April, in C ; float ; %9.0g tmaxmay30 = Temperature: 30 year max temp average for May, in C ; float ; %9.0g tmaxjun30 = Temperature: 30 year max temp average for June, in C ; float ; %9.0g tmaxjuly30 = Temperature: 30 year max temp average for July, in C ; float ; %9.0g tmaxaug30 = Temperature: 30 year max temp average for August, in C ; float ; %9.0g deltMaxApril = TempDeviation: April MaxTemp - 30YearAprilMaxTemp ; float ; %9.0g deltMaxMay = TempDeviation: May MaxTemp - 30Year May MaxTemp ; float ; %9.0g deltMaxJune = TempDeviation: June MaxTemp - 30Year June MaxTemp ; float ; %9.0g deltMaxJul = TempDeviation: JulyMaxTemp - 30Year JulyMaxTemp ; float ; %9.0g deltMaxAug = TempDeviation: Aug MaxTemp - 30Year Aug MaxTemp ; float ; %9.0g deltMaxSept = TempDeviation: Sept MaxTemp - 30Year Sept MaxTemp ; float ; %9.0g supprights = Water Rights: Dummy Variable for Supplementary Water Right, 1 if Available ; byte ; %8.0g swprior = Water Rights: Priority Year of Surface Water Right ; int ; %8.0g gwprior = Water Rights: Priority Year of Groundwater right ; int ; %8.0g WatPrior = Water Rights: Priority year of major water right on parcel ; float ; %9.0g gwdist = Depth to groundwater, meters ; float ; %9.0g surfcirrac = Water Rights: Acres irrigated by surface water ; float ; %9.0g grndirrac = Water Rights: Acres irrigated by groundwater ; float ; %9.0g SuppIrAc = Water Rights: Acres irrigated by supplementary irrigation ; float ; %9.0g prctGW = Water RIghts: percent field irrigated by groundwater ; float ; %9.0g prctSW = Water Rights: Percent field irrigated by surface water ; float ; %9.0g GWmaj = Water Rights: Dummy variable for majority groundwater right, 1 if true ; float ; %9.0g GW_GWdist = Water Rights: GWmaj* gwdist interaction ; float ; %9.0g SWmaj = Water Rights: Dummy variable for majority surface water right, 1 if true ; float ; %9.0g prctMntSlope = LandForms: Percent field classified mountain slope ; float ; %9.0g prctflood = LandForms: Percent field classified floodplain ; float ; %9.0g prcthill = LandForms: Percent field classified Hillside ; float ; %9.0g prctterr = LandForms: Percent field classified terrace ; float ; %9.0g willam_km = Geographic: Distance from Willamette River in km ; float ; %9.0g MajorLCC = Soils: Majority LCC class ; byte ; %8.0g lcc1 = Soils: Dummy for LCC1, 1 if majority field is LCC 1 (Land Capability Class 1); float ; %9.0g lcc2 = Soils: Dummy for LCC2, 1 if majority field is LCC 2 ; float ; %9.0g lcc3 = Soils: Dummy for LCC3, 1 if majority field is LCC 3 ; float ; %9.0g lcc4 = Soils: Dummy for LCC4, 1 if majority field is LCC 4 ; float ; %9.0g aws0_50 = Soils: Available water holding capacity in top 50 cm of soil, (cm) ; float ; %9.0g lcc5_6 = Soils: Dummy for LCC 5 or 6, 1 if majority field is LCC 5 or 6 ; float ; %9.0g elevPrec = Interaction term for Elevation * (April + May+ June 30 yr avg precip) ; float ; %9.0g AdjAcres = Acreage for fields containing missing parcels was divided by # of missing fields ; float ; %9.0g elevSumPrec = Interaction term for elevation and yearly summer precip (June, July, Aug) ; float ; %9.0g grow_tmin = Temperature: 30 year average minimum temp (C) for growing season (apr-oct) ; float ; %9.0g grow_prec = Precipitation: 30 year average growing season precip (in) ; float ; %9.0g 3. Contact: William K. Jaeger Applied Econ Extension Oregon State University 213 Ballard Extension Hall Corvallis, OR 97331-3601 WJaeger@oregonstate.edu 4. Methods: These data were collected via interviews with farmers throughout the Willamette Valley, Oregon in late 2012. The survey was implemented by the National Agricultural Statistics Service of USDA; interviews were conducted in person by enumerators from National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) in the fall of 2012. Refer to Survey Questionnaire for details. Irrigators were drawn from postal zip codes within the Willamette Valley, stratified by county and by farm size (the number of irrigated acres in the operation), to ensure a representative sample of irrigated farms. Farmers were asked to identify up to three fields that are potentially irrigable, and to report irrigation decisions and crop choice for the past six years (2007-2012) on each of those fields. There were 387 farmers with valid responses; data on 751 fields was recorded, for a total of 4173 field-year combinations with valid data. There were 905 field-year observations where no irrigation was reported. Respondents were asked to identify the location of the fields on tax lot maps. The map locations made it possible to locate the fields and combine the farmer responses with GIS data sets on land, climate, and weather characteristics for the six years of crop choice and irrigation decision making. These data include soil type (Land Capability Class), soil drainage characteristics, elevation, and precipitation by month in each year.