This documentation file was generated on 2021-05-06 by Christina A. Murphy ------------------- # GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset - Benthic macroinvertebrates sampled above and below Cougar Dam 2. Creator Information - Christina A. Murphy, Sherri L. Johnson, William Gerth, Todd Pierce, Gregory Taylor Name: Christina A. Murphy Institution: Oregon State University College, School or Department: Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Science Address: 104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331 Email: ORCID: Role: Conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, investigation, validation, visualization, writing - original draft & editing Name: Sherri L. Johnson Institution: Pacific Northwest Research Station College, School or Department: Pacific Northwest Research Station Address: 3200 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331 Email: ORCID: Role: Conceptualization, funding acquisition, resources, supervision, writing - review & editing Name: William Gerth Institution: Oregon State University College, School or Department: Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Science Address: 104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331 Email: ORCID: Role: Data curation, formal analysis, methodology, validation, writing - review & editing Name: Todd Pierce Institution: US Army Corps of Engineers College, School or Department: Willamette Valley Project Address: 43098 West Boundary Road, Lowell, OR 97452 Email: ORCID: Role: Data curation, investigation, writing - review & editing Name: Gregory Taylor Institution: US Army Corps of Engineers College, School or Department: Willamette Valley Project Address: 43098 West Boundary Road, Lowell, OR 97452 Email: ORCID: Role: Conceptualization, funding acquisition, methodology, project administration, resources, supervision, writing - review & editing 3. Contact Information - Name: Christina A. Murphy Institution: Oregon State University College, School or Department: Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Science Address: 104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331 Email: ORCID: ------------------- CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Abstract for the dataset - This dataset accompanies the manuscript Unintended consequences of selective water withdrawals from reservoirs alter downstream macroinvertebrate communities in Water Resources Research [DOI]. Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected from samples taken annually during the first two weeks of August from 2002-2007 and again in 2017 at six sites in the South Fork McKenzie River. Taxonomy of samples collected prior to 2017 have been updated to be consistent with 2017 taxa designations. 2. Context of the research project that this dataset was collected for. Additional contextual information is available in the relevant manuscript. 3. Date of data collection: During the first two weeks in August, 2002-2007, and 2017 4. Geographic location of data collection: Sites 1-3 were located above Cougar Dam on the South Fork McKenzie in the Willamette Basin, Oregon at river kilometer 20.1, 18.5, and 16.9, respectively. Sites 4-6 were located below the dam at river kilometer 6.4, 4.8, and 3.2. 5. Funding sources that supported the collection of the data: US Army Corps of Engineers, US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University provided funding and support during this research. Accompanying analyses were also supported by the James Sedell Graduate Scholarship to Christina Murphy. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data - REQUIRED This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 2. Links to publications related to the dataset: Unintended consequences of selective water withdrawals from reservoirs alter downstream macroinvertebrate communities Christina A. Murphy1, Sherri L. Johnson2, William Gerth1, Todd Pierce3, Gregory Taylor3 1Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, United States of America. 2Pacific Northwest Research Station, U.S. Forest Service, Corvallis, Oregon, United States of America. 3Willamette Valley Project, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lowell, Oregon, United States of America. 3. Recommended citation for the data: Murphy, C.A., Johnson, S.L., Gerth, W., Pierce, T., and Taylor, G. (2021) Benthic macroinvertebrates sampled above and below Cougar Dam (version 1) [Dataset]. Oregon State University. 4. Dataset Digital Object Identifier (DOI) -------------------------- VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE -------------------------- 1. Last modification date 2020-01-10 2. Was data derived from another source? Data were merged from individual files and combined with trait database categories as described in Poff et al. (2006). The absence of flight sub-category was identical to the absence of emergence sub-category, so only absence of flight is included here. We populated the full trait database for the taxa here using Poff et al. 2006, Gerth et al. 2013, and our professional judgement. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- As described in "Unintended consequences of selective water withdrawals from reservoirs alter downstream macroinvertebrate communities". --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Cougar macros.csv Short description: Benthic macroinvertebrate data from above and below Cougar Dam, South Fork McKenzie River, Oregon 2. Formats .csv (datasets) .txt (metadata; this document) ----------------------------------------- TABULAR DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [FILENAME] ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables:74 2. Number of cases/rows: 1,925 3. Missing data codes: NA Not applicable 4. Variable List Example. Name: Species Description: Species of the Drosophila sampled DML = Drosophila melanogaster DMJ = Drosophila mojavensis O = Other A. Name: Taxon Description: Finest taxonomic resolution identified for associated data (e.g. species if identified) B. Name: Sample Description: [Site code]R (e.g. 01R), R signifies that sample was a 'riffle' sample as described in associated methods. C. Name: Year Description: Year of sample collection D. Name: CorrectionFactor Description: 1 if all individuals were counted, >1 if a sufficient number of individuals were counted by subsampling and a correction was applied to generate the abundance per m2 (DEQ Level 3 Stream Macroinvertebrate Protocol in the Water Quality Monitoring Guidebook - Version 2.0) E. Name: Abundance Description: Individuals of given taxon per m2 F. Name: Proportion Description: Individuals of given taxon divided by the total number of individuals from all taxa collected in that sample (Site_Year) G. Name: Site_Year Description: Combination of Sample and Year, each unique value indicates a unique sample H. Name: PHYLUM Description: Phylum of taxon I. Name: CLASS Description: Class of taxon J. Name: ORDER Description: Order of taxon K. Name: FAMILY Description: Family of taxon L. Name: subfamily Description: Subfamily of taxon (if applicable) M. Name: GENUS Description: Genus of taxon N. Name: Taxon_Group Description: Indicates the unique groups (usually genus level) used in analyses FOR O. through BV. below: 1 is yes, 0 is no, 0.5 if yes for some taxa in Taxon_Group; each category, such as voltinism, sums to 1 for each Taxon_group EXCEPTION sync_NA is identical to (and thus also represented by) flgt_NA and so has been removed. For additional trait category details see also Poff, N. LeRoy, Olden, J. D., Vieira, N. K. M., Finn, D. S., Simmons, M. P., & Kondratieff, B. C. (2006). Functional trait niches of North American lotic insects: traits-based ecological applications in light of phylogenetic relationships. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 25(4), 730–755.[0730:FTNONA]2.0.CO;2 O. Name: volt1 Description: life history, voltinism, semivoltine P. Name: volt2 Description: life history, voltinism, semivoltine Q. Name: volt3 Description: life history, voltinism, bi/multivoltine R. Name: devl1 Description: life history, development, fast seasonal S. Name: devl2 Description: life history, development, slow seasonal T. Name: devl3 Description: life history, development, nonseasonal U. Name: sync1 Description: life history, synchronized emergence, poorly synchronized V. Name: sync2 Description: life history, synchronized emergence, well synchronized W. Name: life1 Description: life history, adult lifespan, very short (<1 week) X. Name: life2 Description: life history, adult lifespan, short (>1 week, <1 month) Y. Name: life3 Description: life history, adult lifespan, long (>1 month) Z. Name: exit1 Description: life history, ability to exit temporarily, not able to exit AA. Name: exit2 Description: life history, ability to exit temporarily, able to exit AB. Name: desi1 Description: life history, dessication tolerance, ability to survive desiccation-absent AC. Name: desi2 Description: life history, dessication tolerance, ability to survive desiccation-present AD. Name: disp1 Description: mobility, female dispersal, low (<1km before egg laying) AE. Name: disp2 Description: mobility, female dispersal, high (>1km before egg laying) AF. Name: flgt_NA Description: mobility, adult flying strength, no flying stage AG. Name: flgt1 Description: mobility, adult flying strength, weak (cannot fly into light breeze) AH. Name: flgt2 Description: mobility, adult flying strength, strong AI. Name: drift1 Description: mobility, occurrence in drift, rare (catastrophic only) AJ. Name: drift2 Description: mobility, occurrence in drift, common AK. Name: drift3 Description: mobility, occurrence in drift, abundant (dominant in drift samples) AL. Name: crwl1 Description: mobility, maximum crawling rate, very low AM. Name: crwl2 Description: mobility, maximum crawling rate, low AN. Name: crwl3 Description: mobility, maximum crawling rate, high (>100 cm/hour) AO. Name: swim1 Description: mobility, swimming ability, none AP. Name: swim2 Description: mobility, swimming ability, weak AQ. Name: swim3 Description: mobility, swimming ability, strong AR. Name: atch1 Description: morphology, attachment, none (free-ranging) AS. Name: atch2 Description: morphology, attachment, some (sessile/sedentary) AT. Name: atch3 Description: morphology, attachment, both AU. Name: armr1 Description: morphology, armoring, none (soft-bodied) AV. Name: armr2 Description: morphology, armoring, poor (sclerotized) AW. Name: armr3 Description: morphology, armoring, strong (e.g., some cased caddisflies) AX. Name: shpe1 Description: morphology, shape, streamlined (flat or fusiform) AY. Name: shpe2 Description: morphology, shape, not streamlined AZ. Name: resp1 Description: morphology, respiration, through tegument BA. Name: resp2 Description: morphology, respiration, by gills BB. Name: resp3 Description: morphology, respiration, with plastron or spiracles BC. Name: size1 Description: morphology, size at maturity, small (<9mm) BD. Name: size2 Description: morphology, size at maturity, medium (9-16mm) BE. Name: size3 Description: morphology, size at maturity, large (>16mm) BF. Name: rheo1 Description: ecology, rheophily, depositional only BG. Name: rheo2 Description: ecology, rheophily, depositional and erosional BH. Name: rheo3 Description: ecology, rheophily, erosional BI. Name: ther1 Description: ecology, thermal preference, cold stenothermal or cool eurythermal BJ. Name: ther2 Description: ecology, thermal preference, cool/warm eurythermal BK. Name: ther3 Description: ecology, thermal preference, warm eurythermal BL. Name: habi1 Description: ecology, habit, burrower BM. Name: habi2 Description: ecology, habit, climber BN. Name: habi3 Description: ecology, habit, sprawler BO. Name: habi4 Description: ecology, habit, clinger BP. Name: habi5 Description: ecology, habit, swimmer BQ. Name: habi6 Description: ecology, habit, skater BR. Name: trop1 Description: ecology, trophic habit, collector-gatherer BS. Name: trop2 Description: ecology, trophic habit, collector-filterer BT. Name: trop3 Description: ecology, trophic habit, herbivore (scraper, piercer, shredder) BU. Name: trop4 Description: ecology, trophic habit, predator (piercer, engulfer) BV. Name: trop5 Description: ecology, trophic habit, detritovore (shredder)