Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Growth and yield of unmanaged stands of quaking aspen on the upper Navajo River in the Rocky Mountains of southwest Colorado

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  • An average stand diameter yield table and a diameter growth per decade table are presented for unmanaged stands of quaking aspen in southwest Colorado. The yield table presents yields per tree for the following utilization standards: 1. total cubic-foot volume minus the stump, 2. cubic-foot volume to a 4-inch top, a 6-inch top, and an 8-inch top, 3. Scribner board-foot volume to a 6-inch top and an 8-inch top, and 4. International l/4-inch kerf board-foot volume to a 6-inch top and an 8-inch top. Also, tables are presented for the following: 1. empirical number of trees per acre, 2. empirical average total stand height, 3. ten-year-survival percentages, 4. empirical basal area per acre, and 5. empirical yields per acre. The diameter growth per decade table is based on average stand diameter and present stand age at DBH. The tables were developed by using stepwise multiple regression techniques. The procedures for predicting future yields per acre are discussed.
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