Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The swimming response of the Sacconereis stage of Autolytus varius to changes in hydrostatic pressure

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  • The syllid polychaete Autolytus varius reproduces in the spring and early summer in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, The fertilized female epitokes, or Sacconereis, carry the developing eggs and larvae in a ventral sac until the larvae are ready to be released; incubation lasts 14 to 18 days in the laboratory, The effects of a small increase in hydrostatic pressure on the activity of Sacconereis were tested, When placed in a pressure vessel, these epitokes responded to increases of 0.39 Bar by orienting dorsally and swimming upward, and by increasing their swimming rate, Peak activity occurred in the first minute after a pressure stimulus. Following this, there was a period of accommodation until the epitokes returned close to their normal level of activity; the period of accomodation lasted around 11 minutes, When the pressure was released, the worms either slowed their swimming rate, or they coiled and sank rapidly to the bottom of the vessel. Decerebrate Sacconereis of A. varius did not respond to pressure stimuli. The Sacconereis of A. magnus and A. prismaticus, and the Polybostrichus of A. prismaticus demonstrated swimming responses similar to A. varius Sacconereis. Three other species of polychaetes did not respond to pressure changes. The hydrostatic pressure response is possibly an adaptation of a planktonic stage of a normally benthic animal.
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