Administrative Report Or Publication

Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE) 2010 OSU Results (Student Affairs Research Report, 02-11)

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  • This current report provides only a snapshot of the high school experiences and expectations for entering students’ first college year. As expected the results are consistent with the 2009 BCSSE results. Overall, OSU’s entering students are optimistic about their ability to succeed at OSU. They generally report feeling well-prepared in most areas with the possible exception of mathematics. Most expect to graduate from OSU with their degree and they expect to engage in the intellectual/academic environment at OSU. They want and expect a challenging academic environment as well as wanting to have access to campus events and activities. Further, they want access to services that will help them succeed academically. They expect to work more hours for pay, study somewhat more, and have more time to relax and socialize than they had in their last year of high school. They are concerned overall about their ability to pay for college and this is especially true for first generation students.
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Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary Executive Summary 1 Introduction and Overview 1 Methodology 1 Sample 1 Survey and Administration 2 Data Analysis 2 Results 2 BCSSE Mean Scaled Scores 3 Description of Respondents 3 High School Academic Engagement 9 Perceived Academic Preparation 13 Expected Academic Engagement 18 Expected Academic Perseverance 22 Expected Academic Difficulty 26 Importance of Camus Environment 30 Co-Curricular Engagement 33 Other Engagement Activity 37 Use of Time in Last Year of High School and Expected Use of Time during First College Year 39 Expectations of Integrative Activity during First Year of College 41 Paying for College 45 Discussion and Recommendations 47 References 50
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