
Learning to Teach Science from a Contextualized Stance

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  • Contextualization is a curricular approach and a learning process in which science content knowledge is intentionally situated within a context where that knowledge can be authentically applied or observed. Many recent science education reforms include contextualization as a central tenet. Our goal in this review was to examine commonalities across contextualization approaches that could inform a method for preparing teachers to lead contextualized science learning broadly. After screening, 56 journal papers were organized into five contextualization approaches: authentic science practices (ASP), culturally-responsive science (CRS), out-of-classroom experiences (OOC), socio-scientific inquiry (SSI), and context-based curriculum (CBC). The collected papers suggested that despite the approach, teachers needed to develop a deep sense of the context, a clear understanding of the science content specific to that context, and the pedagogical skills to effectively bring content and context together. It was also found that contextualization usually leads to student-centered learning, even if not a specific goal of an intervention. This review suggests that contextualization can be taught as a broad, foundational teacher skill set that can be applied to more specific approaches. Learning this skill set will require long-term, and intensive teacher development efforts.
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  • L’Heureux, K., Giamellaro, M., Beaudry, M-C., Buxton, C., Ayotte-Beaudet, J-P, Alajmi, T. (2021, April). Preparing science educators for contextualized instruction. Paper Presented
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  • Online
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  • This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant no. EHR 1937772
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