
Quantification of Biomass Production Potentials from Trees Outside Forests—A Case Study from Central Germany

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  • Woody biomass of trees outside forests (TOF) is gaining increasing interest in many countries as it is a renewable energy source that has not been managed for bioenergy production. Our case study describes two independent approaches to assess regional area of TOF as a means for the biomass production potential of TOF within a study region in Germany, the Göttingen district (area: 1118 km²): (1) a statistical sampling with field inventory data, and (2) an area-wide GIS-mapping approach based on open access aerial imagery. For our particular study, the differences between the mapping based approach and the sample based approach were minor (sampling: 24.37 ha and 16,670 t of dry wood per year with a relative standard error 11.6% vs. area-wide mapping: 24.35 ha and 16,055 t, standard error not available). Due to a minor difference of only 3.7% between the two approaches we conclude that area-wide mapping serves as a sound basis for a quantification of bioenergy potentials from TOF. It also shown that only about 62% of all TOF objects (74% of the total annual biomass production) would be directly accessible via the existing road infrastructure (without heavy machinery). In terms of available end-use energy, the regional biomass potential translates to an annual amount of 233 TJ which in turn reflects only about 0.9% of annual end-use-energy demand in the study area. This marginal contribution to the region’s energy supply is due to the fact that TOF covers only around 24 km² (~2%) in our study area.
  • Keywords: Bioenergy, GIS, Open-access imagery, Sampling, Web-mapping services
Resource Type
Date Available
Date Issued
  • Seidel, D., Busch, G., Krause, B., Bade, C., Fessel, C., & Kleinn, C. (2015). Quantification of Biomass Production Potentials from Trees Outside Forests—A Case Study from Central Germany. BioEnergy Research, 8(3), 1344-1351. doi:10.1007/s12155-015-9596-z
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 8
Journal Issue/Number
  • 3
Déclaration de droits
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • We would like to thank the administrative board of the ‘Landkreis Göttingen’ for their support and for providing us with the permission to visit all sample sites during our field work. The work was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is part of the BEST- Research Framework (
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