
Aggregation of Sea Urchin Phagocytes Is Augmented In Vitro by Lipopolysaccharide

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  • Development of protocols and media for culturing immune cells from marine invertebrates has not kept pace with advancements in mammalian immune cell culture, the latter having been driven by the need to understand the causes of and develop therapies for human and animal diseases. However, expansion of the aquaculture industry and the diseases that threaten these systems creates the need to develop cell and tissue culture methods for marine invertebrates. Such methods will enable us to better understand the causes of disease outbreaks and to develop means to avoid and remedy epidemics. We report a method for the short-term culture of phagocytes from the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, by modifying an approach previously used to culture cells from another sea urchin species. The viability of cultured phagocytes from the purple sea urchin decreases from 91.6% to 57% over six days and phagocyte morphology changes from single cells to aggregates leading to the formation of syncytia-like structures. This process is accelerated in the presence of lipopolysaccharide suggesting that phagocytes are capable of detecting this molecular pattern in culture conditions. Sea urchin immune response proteins, called Sp185/333, are expressed on the surface of a subset of phagocytes and have been associated with syncytia-like structures. We evaluated their expression in cultured phagocytes to determine their possible role in cell aggregation and in the formation of syncytia-like structures. Between 0 and 3 hr, syncytia-like structures were observed in cultures when only similar to 10% of the cells were positive for Sp185/333 proteins. At 24 hr, similar to 90% of the nuclei were Sp185/333-positive when all of the phagocytes had aggregated into syncytia-like structures. Consequently, we conclude that the Sp185/333 proteins do not have a major role in initiating the aggregation of cultured phagocytes, however the Sp185/333 proteins are associated with the clustered nuclei within the syncytia-like structures.
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Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 8
Journal Issue/Number
  • 4
Academic Affiliation
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This work was supported by National Science Foundation awards (MCB 04-24235 and MCB 07-44999) to LCS. Travel funding and educational support for AJM was provided by the Department of Biological Sciences and Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, George Washington University. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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