
Forest Service National Forest System Perceptions of Law Enforcement and Investigations: Nationwide Study

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  • This is the fifth in a series of studies to evaluate perceptions of the roles, responsibilities, and issues entailed in the jobs of U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service law enforcement and investigations (LEI) personnel. An e-mail survey was administered to the 537 Forest Service forest supervisors and district rangers (National Forest System [NFS] line officers) across the United States. Two-hundred and seventy-six completed and returned the questionnaire. Interaction, collaboration, and teamwork were important to the NFS line officer respondents—they reported the need for frequent interactions and had general agreement on priorities with LEI. Budget was a major concern for the NFS line officer respondents as was the shortage of law enforcement officers and forest protection officers. Natural resource protection was seen as important and was thought to be a priority, along with budget and safety. A successful LEI program was characterized as one that is understood by those engaged in or affected by the program and that has sufficient personnel and good communication.
  • Keywords: forest visitors, law enforcement, crime and violence, successful management
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Fecha Disponible
Fecha de Emisión
  • Chavez, Deborah J.; Tynon, Joanne F. 2008. Forest Service National Forest System perceptions of law enforcement and investigations: nationwide study. Research Paper, PSW-RP-256. Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. 38 p.
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • PSW-RP-256
Academic Affiliation
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Peer Reviewed



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