
Proliferative Characteristics of Atypical Cells in Native Oysters (Ostrea lurida) from Yaquina Bay, Oregon

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  • Abnormal, large, possibly neoplastic cells from two Ostrea /urida have been successfully la­beled with tritiated thymidine, and thus, for the first time, data are available for analyzing a presumptive invertebrate proliferative disorder. Large numbers of labeled atypical cells (AC) were uniformly distributed throughout the connective tissue (CT) underlying the gills, mantle, stomach, gut, digestive diverticula, kidney, and gonad. Two general types of AC are associated with the proliferative disorder. Both are abnormally large with many features characteristic of undifferentiated cells, and both are probably members of a proliferating compartment. The la­beling index (LI) for AC ranged from 1.22% in connective tissue surrounding digestive tubules to 14.17% in CT underlying gill epithelium; the LI for all AC was 4.82%. The data strongly suggest that the AC proliferate at a much greater rate than any other oyster cells subjected to similar treatment.
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  • 26
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  • Oregon State Sea Grant College Program; reprint no. ORESU-R-75-013. Research sponsored in part by the Oregon State University Sea Grant College Program, supported by NOAA Office of Sea Grant, Department of Commerce, under Grant #04-5-158-2.



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