
Tidal and residual currents over abrupt deep-sea topography based on shipboard ADCP data and tidal model solutions for three popular bathymetry grids

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  • The response of tidal and residual currents to small scale morphological differences over abrupt deep sea topography (Seine Seamount) was estimated for bathymetry grids of different spatial resolution. Local barotropic tidal model solutions were obtained for three popular and publicly available bathymetry grids (Smith and Sandwell TOPO8.2, ETOPO1 and GEBCO08) to calculate residual currents from vessel mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (VM-ADCP) measurements. Currents from each tidal solution were interpolated to match the VM-ADCP ensemble times and locations. Root mean square (RMS) differences of tidal and residual current speeds largely follow topographic deviations and were largest for TOPO8.2 based solutions (up to 2.8 cm s⁻¹) in seamount areas shallower than 1000 m. Maximum RMS differences of currents obtained from higher resolution bathymetry did not exceed 1.7 cm s⁻¹. Single depth-dependent maximum residual flow speed differences were up to 8 cm s⁻¹ in all cases. Seine Seamount is located within a strong mean flow environment and RMS residual current speed differences varied between 5 and 20 % of observed peak velocities of the ambient flow. Residual flow estimates from shipboard ADCP data might be even more sensitive to the choice of bathymetry grids if barotropic tidal models are used to remove tides over deep oceanic topographic features where the mean flow is weak compared to the magnitude of barotropic tidal, or baroclinic currents. Realistic topography and associated flow complexity are also important factors for understanding sedimentary and ecological processes driven and maintained by flow-topography interaction.
  • Keywords: Smith and Sandwell TOPO8.2, Flow-topography interaction, ETOPO1, Global bathymetry grids, OSU inverse tidal model, GEBCO08, Seine Seamount, Shipboard ADCP
Resource Type
Date Available
Date Issued
  • Mohn, C., Erofeeva, S., Turnewitsch, R., Christiansen, B., & White, M. (2013). Tidal and residual currents over abrupt deep-sea topography based on shipboard ADCP data and tidal model solutions for three popular bathymetry grids. Ocean Dynamics, 63(2-3), 195-208. doi: 10.1007/s10236-013-0597-1
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 63
Journal Issue/Number
  • 43499
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • The measurements were carried out as part of the EU FP5 project OASIS (Contract no: EVK3-CT-2002-00073-OASIS). Support of RT through NERC grant NE/G006415/1 is gratefully acknowledged.
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