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A Double Hurdle Application of Fishermen’s Catch Sales Through Fish Mothers in Ghana

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  • A significant proportion of catch by artisanal fishers in Ghana is sold through wealthy middle-women, known as “fish mothers,” who often pre-finance fishing trips. This study examined the determinants of catch sales through fish mothers.  Data used came from artisanal fishermen at major coastal fishing communities in Ghana. The effects of select variables were examined with a Double Hurdle model assuming the fisherman’s marketing decision first relates to whether or not to sell to fish mothers, and secondly, what percentage of fish catch is sold to them. Self-financing of fishing trips was found to negatively impact fish sold to fish mothers. Artisanal fishermen were 19% less likely to sell to fish mothers if they self-finance, and that self-financing will result in a 10% downward change in the unconditional percentage fish sold to fish mothers. The impact of price, percentage of high value fish landed, boat size, number of fishing trips per year as well as fishing experience were found to positively impact the fishermen’s decision.  The estimated average partial effects suggested that boat size had the strongest effect on fish sold through the fish mothers, with about 146% and 91% change, respectively on conditional and unconditional sale of fish catch, which is likely caused by higher catches. Fishermen used a range of canoe (boat) sizes from 8m to 27m, with an average of 16.4m. Price, percentage of high value fish landed, the number of fishing trips per year and fishing experience had relatively smaller positive effects.
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  • NAAFE Forum 2017 Proceedings, March 22-24, 2017. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver with assistance from Stefani Evers. North American Association of Fisheries Economists (NAAFE), Corvallis, 2017.
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  • 097634324X



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