Conference Proceedings Or Journal

FPIs Application in Liberia Fisheries

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  • Fisheries development projects are undertaken ever year in recognition of the important role fisheries play in many coastal communities. The objectives vary, but typically go beyond a limited focus on fisheries management and the ecosystem. This makes it difficult to evaluate the contribution of a project, particularly in data poor environments such as most developing countries. This paper is based on recently published work in Marine Policy that used the Fisheries Performance Indicators (FPIs) to evaluate the impact of a World Bank development project in a Liberian coastal community. The FPIs are designed to capture economic and social performance of a fisheries system in addition to the management and environmental impacts. Improvements occurred in most ecological dimensions, and in many social and economic dimensions targeted by the project. These results will be discussed in addition to developments occurring after the paper was published.
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  • Seattle, Washington, USA
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Peer Reviewed



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