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  • This study carried out an appraisal of fresh fish marketing in Ondo-State, Nigeria. It specifically examined the socio-economic characteristics of fresh fish marketers in the study area, determined profitability and examined market structure for fresh fish in the study area .A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 45 fresh fish marketers and structured questionnaire administered on them. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, gross margin analysis, Gini-coefficient analysis and marketing function analysis. The study revealed that 95.6% of the respondents belong to the active segment of the population while the remaining 4.4% were aged. Analysis also showed that fresh fish market was dominated by females which accounted for 73.3% of the sellers. The profitability analysis showed that an average marketer incurred a total variable cost of N511,185.78 ($3,195) per year but earned an average revenue of N618875.56 ($3,867) over the same period. This indicates that an average marketer earned N107,689.78 ($673) as gross margin per year suggesting that fresh fish marketing is a profitable venture in the study area. A Gini-coefficient of 0.5292 obtained in this study indicates a high level of concentration in the fresh fish market. The result of the marketing function showed that the estimated coefficient of multiple determination (R2) indicates that the postulated regressors i.e. included variables in the model explained 72.6% in the variation of the regressand (i.e. sales revenue). It is therefore recommended that women should be encouraged to join cooperative societies that are gender sensitive.
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