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Educating Us Fishery Managers And Policy Makers: The Problem Of Incentives

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  • This paper addresses the question of how to equip U.S. managers and policy makers with the management capacity required to successfully manage 21st century fisheries. Management capacity comprises the knowledge, skills and processes that enable the effective development, implementation and enforcement of regulations. The theme of this paper is that building effective management capacity involves not only education to provide knowledge but also an incentive environment compatible with the effective application of that knowledge. The U.S. regional fishery management councils involve people with diverse expertise. The type and quantity of knowledge needed to effectively manage fisheries has changed over time. The new management portfolio includes yield stabilization, bycatch reduction, stock rebuilding, capacity reduction, habitat protection, and ecosystem considerations. The management performance of many U.S. fisheries suggests that managers do not have the required knowledge base to manage the new management portfolio. It is also clear that incentives facing managers are often incompatible with taking a long-term ecosystem approach to management. Problems resulting from power ambiguity, low-intensive incentives, moral hazard, bounded rationality, and a failure to make credible commitments make it difficult for managers to make long-term decisions and take action to reduce uncertainty. The incentive problems in U.S. fishery management illustrate not only the lack of alignment of private and social objectives but also the barriers that exist to effective management. These barriers must be explicitly addressed if the education of U.S. fishery managers is to be effective.
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  • Hanna, Susan. 2002. Educating Us Fishery Managers And Policy Makers: The Problem Of Incentives. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, August 19-22, 2002, Wellington, New Zealand: Fisheries in the Global Economy. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2002. CD ROM.
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