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Fresh Fish Attributes and Consumers’ Preference Ranking in Rural and Urban Households in Ondo State, Nigeria

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Attribute NameValues
  • The study investigated fresh fish characteristics that determine consumers' preference for fresh fish in rural and urban households. Primary data were collected from a total of 192 fresh fish consumers using multi-stage sampling procedure. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, regression analysis and Relative Attribute Model (RAM). The results showed that an average sampled respondent was literate with mean household size of 5. The average age of respondents was 35years, while the average monthly income of household was N34,240 (urban) and N26,880 (rural). Empirical result revealed that urban households consumed more catfish than other fish species owing to possession of certain attributes, availability and price. Also, rural households consumed more fresh fish than urban households because of cheaper price occasioned by proximity to riverine areas where fishing is the predominant occupation. Regression results revealed that sweetness, extent of boniness and cheapness were more significant than other attributes in influencing preference ranking. Also, the preference for fresh fish was found to be more significant in determining consumers' monthly expenditure on fresh fish. The relative importance of the individual fresh fish attributes revealed that boniness and sweetness took leading positions in consumer preference ranking in both rural and urban households. It is concluded that consumers of fresh fish look out for certain characteristics which differ in their ability to influence consumers' motivation to make purchase decisions. It is recommended that fresh fish sellers watch out for these attributes for rapid turnover and profitable fish marketing business.
  • Keywords: Markets and Trade, Fisheries Economics, Markets: Preferences and Prices
  • Keywords: Markets and Trade, Fisheries Economics, Markets: Preferences and Prices
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Date Issued
  • Mafimisebi,Taiwo, A.O. Osuntunde, and O. Mafimisebi. 2014. Fresh Fish Attributes and Consumers’ Preference Ranking in Rural and Urban Households in Ondo State, Nigeria.In: Towards ecosystem based management of fisheries: what role can economics play?: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 7-11, 2014, Brisbane, Australia. Complied by Ann L. Shriver & Melissa Errend. Corvallis, OR: International Institute of Fisheries.
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • Fisheries Research & Development Corporation, World Wildlife Fund, MG Kailis Group, AquaFish Innovation Lab, NOAA Fisheries, The European Association of Fisheries Economists, Japan International Fisheries Research Society, United Nations University, NORAD
Peer Reviewed



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