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Fish consumption within the Finnish catering market

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  • Catering establishments in Finland are very heterogeneous (restaurants, hotels, personnel canteens, hospitals, schools etc.). These kitchens annually prepare over 600 million meals with the total number of kitchens at over 20,000. The objective of this study was to estimate quantity and frequency of fish consumption within the Finnish catering market. The main purpose was to estimate total consumption of fish while concurrently estimating consumption by fish species and product. A further objective was to analyze fish purchasing behavior and thereby increase the knowledge base regarding the structure of the Finnish catering market. This study was started in 1988 and the latest data concerns the year 1995. The sample size of kitchens has been varied from 1,750 to 2,000. Kitchens were randomly selected from the Directory of Catering Kitchens. A mail survey was used to collect the data. A mail survey, which was used to collect data, comprised of questions regarding fish consumption habits and altitudes towards for example its quality and price. The total consumption of fish and fish products in the Finnish catering market is approximately 10,000 tons per year. Only one third of total consumption is fresh fish. Sixty per cent of the total consumption is domestic fish of which almost three fourth is Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Of the imported fish and fish products used by the catering sector, some 70 per cent is frozen fillets and other frozen products. The results of this study indicate that catering kitchens are willing to increase their fish consumption provided that deliveries are regular and quality is high. Of the domestic fish species, rainbow trout and Baltic herring currently best meet these requirements.
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  • Honkanen, Asmo. 1996. Fish consumption within the Finnish catering market. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 1-4, 1996, Marrakech, Morocco. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2002. CD ROM.
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