
Northern spotted owl reproductive rates (version 2)

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  • These datasets were used in the prospective meta-analysis of northern spotted owl reproductive rates over 25 years across 11 study areas located throughout the range of the owl. A multi-state occupancy file was created by collapsing site-specific information on owl reproductive status into bimonthly (2 per month) survey occasions. These data were then analyzed to estimate annual reproductive rates, defined as: number of owls successfully reproducing/number of owl pairs, while accounting for variation in survey effort by accounting for imperfect detection of owls and potential misclassification of reproductive status. Covariates describing the probability of barred owl presence, habitat conditions, and climate were also included to explain variation in reproductive rates. These data were collected as part of the long-term demographic monitoring of northern spotted owls in association with the Effectiveness Monitoring Plan of the Northwest Forest Plan. Data included here were analyzed and interpreted in the following manuscript in review: Rockweit, J. T. et al. 2021. Sources of Variation in Reproductive Rates of Northern Spotted Owls Across Their Range: A Prospective Meta-Analysis. The datasets associated with this readme file include all relevant script files needed for the multi-state occupancy analysis of northern spotted owl reproduction. For specific file information see the readme files in this record. These data were collected as part of the long-term demographic monitoring of northern spotted owls in association with the Effectiveness Monitoring Plan of the Northwest Forest Plan. Version 2 has the same information as version 1, plus a table of ranked model results that includes all models tested and compared analyzing range-wide sources of variation in northern spotted owl reproductive rates.
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  • Rockweit, J. T., J. M. A. Jenkins, J. E. Hines, J. D. Nichols, K. M. Dugger, A. B. Franklin, P. C. Carlson, W. L. Kendall, D. B. Lesmeister, C. McCafferty, S. H. Ackers, L. S. Andrews, L. L. Bailey, J. Burgher, K. P. Burnham, T. Chestnut, M. M. Conner, K. E. Dilione, R. J. Davis, E. D. Forsman, E. M. Glenn, S. A. Gremel, K. A. Hamm, D. R. Herter, J. M. Higley, R. B. Horn, D. W. Lamphear, T. L. McDonald, J. A. Reid, C. J. Schwarz, D. C. Simon, S. G. Sovern, J. K. Swingle, J. D. Wiens, H. Wise, and C. B. Yackulic. (2021) Dataset consisting of multistate occupancy matrices and covariate files for 11 study areas used to analyze northern spotted owl reproductive rates (Version 2) [Dataset]. Oregon State University.
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  • Article that analyzes the dataset: Rockweit, J. T. et al. 2021. Range-Wide Sources of Variation in Reproductive Rates of Northern Spotted Owls.