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A landowner's guide for restoring and managing Oregon white oak habitats

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  • The primary purpose of this Guide is to encourage private landowners to conserve, and when appropriate, actively manage Oregon white oaks that already exist on their property, and consider planting additional oaks. In the early chapters of the Guide, we describe some of the uses and benefits of this remarkable tree in hopes of motivating landowners to take action. An introduction to the ecology of the Oregon white oak is included so the reader can be􀀁er understand how management practices are founded on aspects of the tree’s biology. Later chapters are designed to help landowners develop land management goals and understand the process of natural resource planning. We hope this Guide will motivate landowners to take the next steps: seek out further information at university and government websites, contact your natural resource specialists, and enroll in woodland management courses and workshops. At the end of this Guide, we provide a list of government agencies and private organizations that can provide such technical assistance and funding opportunities for private landowners undertaking oak conservation projects.
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  • Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service, Oregon Department of Forestry, The Nature Conservancy.
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  • 11235600 bytes


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