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Helping Researchers Comply with Public Access Policies as a Means to Increase IR Deposit Rates

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  • Poster and lightning round presentation.
  • ScholarsArchive@OSU (SA@OSU) has been the Oregon State University institutional repository since 2004. In June 2013, OSU passed an open access rights retention policy and the Library was charged with implementation. In 2014, a cross-departmental research group at OSU found that most of the papers resulting from their NIH grant had not yet been deposited in PubMed Central (PMC). This unintentional failure occurred for two reasons. First, some, but not all, publishers deposit articles in PMC on researchers’ behalf, which led researchers to assume the articles would be automatically deposited. Second, researchers assumed that if their article had a PMID, they were compliant. They were not, because the NIH requires that articles have a PMCID. Because these deposits were essential for renewal of the grant, researchers needed help identifying all the articles that resulted from the grant and submitting them to PMC. The Library’s solution was to flag articles deposited in the IR that included a grant number and grant agency information. A staff person checks to see if any NIH-funded article is already scheduled to be deposited in PMC on the author’s behalf. If not, the article is deposited in both SA@OSU and PMC. The Library has since enhanced an article deposit form to allow faculty to indicate NIH or Department of Energy (DOE) funding so that the Library can deposit articles or metadata to the appropriate repository (PMC or PAGES). These processes reduce researcher workload and encourage deposit in SA@OSU.
  • Keywords: open access, Pubmed Central, NIH, National Institutes of Health, public access, Department of Energy
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  • Willi Hooper, M. D. (2016, March 7). Helping researchers comply with public access policies as a means to increase IR deposit rates. Presented at the SPARC Meeting on Openness and Research in Education, San Antonio, Texas.
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