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Evaluating the Efficacy of Online Field-Based Courses: Methodological Insights

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  • Oregon State University (OSU) is a leader in delivering online education, including several natural science field-based programs and dozens of courses with field-based aspects. Natural science field-based learning teaches students to observe, analyze, and outline management actions for broad and complex land areas and natural resources issues. To effectively do this, students must learn how to: 1) make methodical observations using their five senses; 2) collect and analyze data to determine management approaches and methods; 3) use specialized equipment; and 4) engage in discourse with working field professionals to examine and discuss issues and management actions (SERC 2016, Edge & Sanchez 2011, Fedesco & Henares, 2020). Accrediting entities such as the Society of Range Management and The Wildlife Society question the ability of online field-based programs and courses to deliver field-based learning effectively. They cite general differences between in-person and online learning environments and question the ability to effectively convey concepts and skills traditionally taught during field labs and field trips. To the best of our knowledge, no individuals or entities have investigated the pedagogies, methods, and student learning outcome (SLO) achievement between inperson and online learning in field-based disciplines. This study aimed to undertake such a comparison through an innovative research design focused on rangeland science and fisheries and wildlife sciences courses taught in both online and inperson learning environments. Specifically, the study sought to compare course structure, methods, and student learning outcome achievement in field-based courses between inperson and online learning modalities. As part of the comparison, there was also an aim to identify potential best practices by correlating student learning outcome achievement with both course design and student learning experience. The execution of this study posed significant challenges that limited results and insights (described in detail on pp. 5 - 6); nevertheless, the study design is potentially useful for others trying to conduct a similar study. Therefore, the study design and methodological insights are the focus of this white paper.
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  • Gibson. Y. (2022) Evaluating the efficacy of online field-based courses: methodological insights. White Paper. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit.
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