Graduate Project

Metacontent based techniques for the regression testing of component based software : a case study

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  • Component based software technologies are viewed as essential for creating the software systems of the future. However the use of externally provided components has serious drawbacks for a wide range of software engineering activities often because of a lack of information about the components. One such drawback involves validation of components. To address this problem previous researchers have proposed the notion of metacontent. Metacontent describes static and dynamic aspects of a component, and consists of information (metadata) about components, and utilities (metamethods) for computing and retrieving such information. In this project we implement three new meta.content based techniques that address the problem of validating component based applications after they have been modified (also known as "regression testing"): a code based approach, a specification based approach, and a hybrid approach that uses information both at the code and at the specification level. We present a case study that applies all three techniques to a real component based system.
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