Graduate Project

Assessment of the ecosystem services provided by urban trees in the "monumental zone" of the city of Iquitos, Loreto - Peru, 2023

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  • The growing urban development and the inadequate installation of settlements has caused environmental challenges such as landscape destruction, loss of urban tree biodiversity, therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the ecosystem services of urban trees in the 'Monumental Zone' of the city of Iquitos, in the Peruvian Amazon. For this, a survey was applied and an inventory of trees was carried out. The survey was carried out through a questionnaire applied to a non-probabilistic convenience sample made up of 90 inhabitants of the 'Monumental Zone' of the city of Iquitos, who were asked about their perception of the ecosystem services provided by trees in the city. It was carried out through a tree data collection sheet and a tree inventory taking into account the height of the breast, the diameter and the height of the breast, the total height, the shape of the crown, the quality of the stem, the state of the tree, alpha diversity was also calculated using the Shannon-Wiener index and maps of the distribution of the species were elaborated. The results of the inventory showed that the 'Monumental Zone' of the city of Iquitos, contains 269 individual trees distributed among 25 species. Terminalia catappa was the dominant species in the streets of Moore and Nanay while Erythrina edulis and Couepia Subcordata made greater contributions of ecosystem services in the Jr. Sgto Segundo Fernando Lores Tenazoa, Jr. Putumayo, Jr. Nauta and Jr. Raymondi. The resident surveys showed that the population considers the service of food and natural medicine important; landscape (cultural service); and oxygen production and air purification (regulation and support). In conclusion, the most relevant ecosystem service in the 'Monumental Zone' of the city of Iquitos is the regulation and support service.
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